Monday, June 20, 2005

What the Stars Foretell

In good humour, and with apologies to all, particularly astrologers!

CAPRICORN (Dec. 23 - Jan. 20)

A LUCKY period – but you will be under tension due to the Clean Cash Book falling in arrears. A stinker may be received from Regional Office for not sending the Weekly Abstract in time. Your transfer to the place of your choice is likely to be put off indefinitely. Twelfth will be a good day for meeting prospective depositors. Recovery drive initiated on the 27th will be fruitful. Owners of second-hand vehicles may have to shell out substantial amounts for unforeseen repairs. You may forget to send the Performance Report to Regional Office.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 - Feb. 20)

EXPENSES will mount as your better half will want to go on a buying spree. Children will insist on buying chocolates. You may have to take advance against term deposit. There may be complications on the home front if you refuse to buy cinema tickets in black. Clear the backlog of shuttle memos by 28th. You may have pretend scooter breakdown for explaining late arrival at Office. Flirtation with a female colleague may result in a long-lasting relationship. For luck, always keep a piece of coal in your hip pocket

PISCES (Feb. 21 - March 21)

IN the next few weeks, you may be under great pressure from the staff for granting overtime but take care not to give any false assurances. Follow the beaten path as any adventurous action may land you in the soup. Curb your tendency to make wrong additions and subtractions. Those working at the ledgers should be cautious in their dealings with customers. You may be able to lay your hands on a moth-eaten copy of circular issued in 1960 regarding compilation of opinion reports.

ARIES (March 22 - April 21)

WIND up all important tasks relating to house-keeping. There is a strong indication of the Deputy Branch Inspector visiting your Branch around 18th. You should be extra-careful in scrutinising proposals received through the D.I.C. One of your disgruntled borrowers may refuse to send his car. You may be nominated to a Committee constituted to study the impact of unremunerative current accounts on branch profitability. Local BDO may deliver a bunch of loan applications belonging to villages not adopted by you.

TAURUS (April 22 - May 21)

LAY extra emphasis on accounting efficiency in the next few weeks. Your Branch may be categorised as critical. Daily reports on balancing may have to be sent to controlling authorities. You may be held accountable for a DIR loan of Rs. 250 granted in 1973. The Managers of ADBs may receive boxes from the Stationery Department containing articles relating to Government transactions.

GEMINI (May 22 - June 21)

YOU will face opposition from your associates this week in regard to officiating powers. Take care you do not rub them up the wrong way. A trying period at work. You may be gheraoed by loan applicants for not extending credit facilities. Your pleas of credit squeeze will be ignored. Constituents may divert their deposits to other banks. The month may prove disastrous for customer service due to prolonged leave of staff members. There may be unusual rush at the drafts issue counter on Saturdays.

CANCER (June 22 - July 23)

DEPOSIT mobilisation drive may be launched in the first week. Some depositors will refuse to accept ball pens and key rings as gifts. Your T. A. Bill pending for the last two years will be passed for payment. Duplicate copy of a return running into 36 pages may have to be rushed to Regional Office by special messenger. Your lucky stone may be the first stone you pick up on your way to office on the 9th.

LEO (July 24 - Aug. 23)

TRANSFER orders to a difficult centre may be received. It may be advisable to go on long leave. A long distance journey is indicated probably for a training assignment. Seek the help of a colleague to balance the ledgers allotted to you. Settle all staff matters on the last Saturday of the month. There may be a windfall in the form of control return forms found in the discarded stationery boxes.

VIRGO (Aug. 24 - Sept. 23)

GUARD against ill health due to unfiltered water. Curb your expenses or you may have to avail of a gold loan. There is risk of your wife demanding back her ornaments. Avoid arguments on the house front by toeing the line set by your wife and children. Regional Office may insist on immediate despatch of final remarks on the audit report. Drafts Payable Account could be balanced with one stroke.

LIBRA (Sept. 24 - Oct. 23)

A COLLEAGUE will get a prize posting causing some jealousy. Try not to express your emotions in the interests of old friendship. An old customer complaint will be amicably settled. Some constituents may create complications by refusing to accept non-issuable notes. You may forget your umbrella in a taxi. A reminder may be received for sending control return for loans sanctioned in 1979.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22)

A GOOD month to transfer sticky accounts to Protested Bills. Your Regional Manager may visit the Branch in the last week. You may be taken to task for not maintaining the Customer Calls Register. Sizeable sums may have to be donated to the building fund of your children's school. The tap at your residence may go dry and water may have to fetched from the nearby pond.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23 - Dec. 22)

YOUR forthright nature may entangle you in a delicate problem concerning a staff member and a customer. Be tactful in dealing with people. If you are a union official, a spate of transfer requests may baffle you in the second week. Those in Controlling Offices may be asked to visit nearby Branches to urgently compile certain returns. If born on 3rd, it may be lucky to wear a red shirt with a yellow collar on Sunday.

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